On a whim, I decided to attend an Orem city council meeting yesterday. The topic being discussed was a proposal to change the lease terms for Cascade Golf Course in Orem, UT to allow the building of a private neighborhood in return for city soccer fields and a related facility.
I first came across the meeting from a post on KSL: Is Orem getting a fair shake in Cascade Golf Center proposal?
Sounded interesting, and I felt I should go, so I did.
I didn’t stay for the whole meeting, but what I did hear were multiple presentations that were slow, repetitive, and mostly in favor of the proposal. Why weren’t there presentations for alternative options, I wonder? The presentations seemed to have been scheduled.
I definitely left there feeling like both sides weren’t being considered or presented, and that the proposal was ultimately a bad idea.
And you know that feeling when you listen to someone say all the good about a certain thing, and you can tell that they aren’t telling the full story? I had that feeling a lot during that meeting…
I sure hope the city council will take some time to think about all of this and really consider the upsides, the downsides, and the alternatives to this proposal.